Active Projects By David Sumrall

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David Sumrall

& The Sumrall Project

The Sumrall Project was launched in 2023 as the cultural landscape of America rapidly changed. There was, and still is, a need for media to focus on truth over sensationalism, and that is our primary objective.

With tribalism and Fake News running rampant on BOTH sides of the political aisle, our team wants to bring the FACTS and stay 100% accurate. We fully intend to disrupt the mainstream narrative by delivering TRUTH.

Is the Sumrall Project biased? ABSOLUTELY!!! But our bias and opinions come from what we firmly believe in. We have a conservative political perspective and a Christian outlook. This team will not be swayed just because someone’s feelings may get hurt in the process.

We want to help our audience not only stay up to date on news but also inspire our fellow Americans to stand firm on their core values.

The Stop Hate Project

Restoring our country starts with stopping hate.

Imagine a country without hate. What would that look like? How would it impact your life?

Today, America is more divided than it has been since the Civil War. We are in a new type of conflict, more defined by ideology than geography. In this environment, hate is on daily display in myriad forms.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

America can build a better future for our children through a change of attitude and a new approach to living with our differences. To achieve this, StopHate has been working for three decades to fulfill a Mission:

Start Turning Off Prejudice


Heal Attitudes Through  Education

Achieving this Mission begins by seeing others as fellow human beings, not just “foot soldiers” for opposing ideologies. Open dialog, finding common ground, and supporting the freedoms of others will help repair our nation and make us one People again. We can heal attitudes through education and awareness training that illuminate the basis of our liberties and reveal the best ways to cultivate a stable society. 

We are building toward that ideal of a nation free of hate through a number of initiatives:

The J6 Defense Project

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Discussion Island

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