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It’s No Surprise Who CNN Blamed for Joe Biden’s Classified Docs Scandal

CNN blames President Trump Joe Biden stealing top secret documents. "The Donald made me do it."

In a CNN article that was seen by dozens of people, they blame President Trump for Joe Biden stealing documents he was not entitled to. That does not surprise me. What does surprise me is that they stopped there, without assigning blame also to the unvaccinated and abortion clinic prayers. Democrats never let a good crime go to waste. Top Secret documents have now been found in three separate locations. It is apparent that the documents have been moved about.

Biden would have taken the documents no later than January 2017. The Penn Biden Center officially opened its doors on February 8, 2018. That means those documents were somewhere else for over a year before they ended up there. Documents have now been found in three separate locations and some in the media are spreading the possibility that they were planted there. Now, who would do that? And who would have access to those documents in 2017 and kept them to frame Joe Biden in 2023?

The liberal media is blaming Trump by claiming that he took materials he was not entitled to but that is a lie because a president can declassify anything they want to. However, Biden was vice president and vice presidents do not have that right under any circumstances.

Also, look at the different way Trump’s documents were handled compared to Biden. At Mar-A-Lago, Trump’s documents were locked in a room with Secret Service agents on the grounds all the time. There are only agents at Biden’s home when he is there and a locked garage is not the same as a room guarded by the Secret Service.

CNN’s excuse for Biden and his crew improperly handling classified materials is simple: everyone was stressed over Trump’s upset win in 2016:

At a minimum, the placement of the secret documents alongside “personal and political papers” reveals a records retention process gone awry. It was a manilla folder marked “VP personal” that contained one of the classified documents that was first discovered last November by the Biden attorney, setting off the chain of events, according to one person familiar with the find. 

Among the items from Biden’s time as vice president are 10 classified documents including US intelligence memorandums and briefing materials that covered topics including Ukraine, Iran and the United Kingdom, according to that person. 

There was also a memo from Biden to President Barack Obama, as well as two briefing memos preparing Biden for phone calls – one with the British prime minister, the other with Donald Tusk, the former prime minister of Poland who served as president of the European Council from 2014-2019. It’s unclear how much of this material remains sensitive. 

Former aides and others familiar with the process of Biden’s transition out of government service describe a serious effort to follow the law made difficult by an unusually active final stretch.

“That made the process very disjointed – not because people weren’t capable, but because it wasn’t some straight line out of the White House,” a source with direct knowledge of the process said. “The day-to-day almost accelerated in those final days. Throughout, people were trying to ensure he still had what he needed, while also trying to pack in moments he wasn’t there.” 

Those closing days of Biden’s vice presidency were a flurry of packing mementos, photographs and personal papers, people familiar with the matter say. Though most of Biden’s files and documents were turned over to the National Archives in a process that began several weeks before he left office, last minute work continued up until the hours he departed the White House for Donald Trump’s inauguration.

The looming arrival of Trump to the White House left many of Obama and Biden’s aides wary of the future and eager to cement many of their accomplishments. It was an uneasy moment, according to many who lived through it. 

“It was just a really really weird time for everyone,” the source familiar said.

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